We Have Moved!

Same great service. Brand new building.

Fuseco is expanding and our Melbourne office & warehouse has relocated.

Our new address is:

27 Viking Court, Cheltenham VIC 3192

Please update your records. All order pickups and deliveries will need to be made to this address.

Our NSW warehouse & QLD sales office will remain at their current addresses.

Sydney – Sales Office & Warehouse

29/8-10 Barry Road, Chipping Norton NSW 2170

Technical Support

Our experts are all pre-eminent leaders in electrical products who provide excellent support in their areas of expertise.

Technical support

Talk to an expert

Our friendly team are highly trained product experts who really enjoy helping customers find what they need.

1300 387 326

call 1300 387 326

Enquire by email

We promise to respond within 4 business hours (AEST) or you will receive $100 off your next purchase.

Enquire now